wikishia:Did you know
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Sentences which are being shown
- the eve of Ramadan 23 is allegedly more likely to be the Night of Qadr?
- the only one who was born inside the Ka'ba is Imam Ali b. Abi Talib?
- Fatima bt. Asad (a) was the second woman (the first being Khadija (a)) to become a Muslim?
- 'Abd Allah b. Ja'far was the first Muslim child born in Abyssinia?
Used sentences
- ...the first marriage of a Hashemite woman with a Hashemite man was the marriage of Fatima bt. Asad (a) with Abu Talib (a)?
- ...Jami' al-Azhar (al-Azhar University) were built in the time of Fatimids in order to teach Isma'ili teachings?
- ...the Prophet (s) shrouded Fatima bt. Asad (a) in his dress and before her burial, he lay down in her grave to pray for her?
- ...Fatima bt. Asad (a) was the only woman to deliver her baby inside Ka'ba?
- ... Muhammad Taqi al-Shirazi issued a fatwa in support of Iraqi independence in 1337/1918 to the effect that no Muslim has the right to elect a non-Muslim as ruler.
- ... according to some reports, the Wa In Yakad Verse is useful to prevent evil eyes of envious people?
- ... many Shia authorities such as Khamenei, al-Sistani, Wahid Khurasani, Nuri Hamadani and Tabrizi consider the People of the Book (Christians, Jews and Majus) pure (tahir). (see: najis)?
- ... Britons killed over 9000 Iraqis to defeat 1920 Iraqi Uprising (Thawrat al-'Ishrin) and occupy Iraq?
- ... the Battle of al-Abwa' was the first battle of Prophet Muhammad (s) and ended in a peace treaty?
- ... after the emigration from Mecca, the Prophet (s) stayed in Quba and did not enter Yathrib for nearly 10 days until 'Ali b. Abi Talib joined him?
- ... in 1216/1802, Wahhabies, under the leadership of Saudi king Sa'ud b. 'Abd al-'Aziz attacked Karbala and beside plundering the city, destroyed the shrine of al-'Abbas and the dome of shrine of Imam al-Husayn (a)?
- ... Muhammad Taqi al-Shirazi, known as The Second Mirza, was the leader of 1920 Iraqi Uprising?
- ... Lady Khadija (a) proposed marriage to Muhammad (s) when she was informed about the ethical characteristics and honesty of him?
- ... from the Immigrants, only Abu Bakr, Umar, and Abu 'Ubayda were present in the Incident of Saqifa, not the majority of the Immigrants?
- ... most Shi'a scholars maintain that the eve of Ramadan 23 is the night of Qadr?
- ... Imam 'Ali (a) has been characterized by the Prophet (s) as al-Siddiq al-Akbar and al-Faruq al-A'zam?
- ... Lady Khadija (a) was the first woman and Imam Ali (a) was the first man who accepted Islam?
- ... Fasting started to be an obligatory task for every Muslim in 2 AH.
- ... Abu Thumama al-Sa'idi was the one who informed Imam al-Husayn (a) about the time of Prayer in the day of 'Ashura?
- ... 'Amr b. al-Hajjaj al-Zubaydi, commander of the right wing of the army of 'Umar b. Sa'd, was one of the Kufians who had invited Imam al-Husayn (a) to Kufa, before the event of Karbala?
- ... After demise of Lady Zaynab (a) ('Abd Allah b. Ja'far's wife), he married her sister, Umm Kulthum?
- ... On the Event of Ghadir, people congratulated Imam Ali (a) including Abu Bakr and 'Umar who repeatedly said, "Happy for you O son of Abu Talib (a)! You are my Wali (guardian) and the Wali of every believing man and woman."
- ... Elizabeth, the mother of Prophet Yahya (a), was Mary's aunt?
- ... the house in which Prophet Ya'qub (a) mourned the separation from his son, Yusuf (a), was also called Bayt al-Ahzan?
- ... 'Umra bt. Nu'man b. Bashir, the wife of al-Mukhtar, who was killed by Mus'ab b. al-Zubayr, was the first woman in Islam to be beheaded?
- ... Battle of Abwa' was the first ghazwa of Prophet Muhammad (s)?
- ... Umm Wahb was the first female martyr of Karbala?
- ... Muslim b. 'Awsaja was the first martyr in the Battle of Karbala?
- ... Ayatollah Bahjat helped Shaykh Abbas Qummi in compiling Safinat al-bihar?
- ... Imam al-Baqir (a) is related to Imam al-Hasan (a) through his mother?
- ... Imam al-Husayn (a) had sent another envoy before Muslim b. 'Aqil to Kufa, called Qays b. Mushir, who was also martyred there?
- ... 'Abd Allah b. Ja'far was the first Muslim child born in Abyssinia?
- ... Suwayd b. 'Amr al-Khath'ami was the last martyr in the event of Karbala? He was martyred a short time after the martyrdom of Imam al-Husayn (a).
- ... original name of Lady Sukayna (a) was Amina (Samfuri:Ia)?
- ... Umm 'Umara was a female Companion of the Prophet (s), and one of the few people who defended the Prophet (s) in the Battle of Uhud and suffered many injuries?
- ... the first Manual of Islamic law in current form was written and published by the order of Ayatollah Burujirdi?
- ... there is another shrine attributed to Lady Zaynab (a) in Egypt?
- ... the last verse revealed to the Prophet (s) is the Qur'an 2:281?