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Sauye-sauye masu dangantaka

Ku sa sunan shafi domin kuga jerin sauye-sauyen da aka yi kan shafuna masu mahaɗi. Shafukan da ke cikin jerin shafukan da kuke bin sawu an nuna su da gwaɓi.

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Gyaran Wikibase
Wannan na nuna sabon shafi ne (kuna iya duba jerin sabbin shafuka)
Karamin gyara ne
Robot yayi wannan gyaran
Girman shafin ya sauyu daga adadin bayits din nan

13 Maris 2025

      16:57  Shi'a sauye-sauye 3 Tarihi +1,096 [Hassan (3×)]
16:57 (na yanzu | baya) +37 Hassan hira gudummuwa (Firƙoƙin Shi'a)
16:13 (na yanzu | baya) +882 Hassan hira gudummuwa Tag: Gyaran gani
15:25 (na yanzu | baya) +177 Hassan hira gudummuwa
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